SEND - Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
Welcome to Hextable Primary School where our ethos is 'Happy Positive and Successful Lifelong Learners’.
Our school aims to ensure that this ethos provides an appropriate and high quality education for all children. We take pride in creating an effective and supportive learning environment, ensuring that every child is happy and makes progress.
Key People
Mrs Sue Hammond – SENCO and Deputy Headteacher
Mrs Nicky Hart – SEN Governor
SEN Profile of the School
There are currently 610 children (Reception to Year 6) on roll at our school. 131 children are on the SEN Register representing 21% of the total number of children.
These children may receive support which is ‘additional to or different’ from the provision of other children in their class in order for them to access the curriculum and to make good progress from their starting point.
Hextable Primary School Provision Statement
Governors have a duty under s317 of the Education Act 1996 to do their best to ensure that the necessary provision is made for pupils with SEN. The School Standards and Framework Act 1998 requires governors to conduct the school with a view to promoting high standards. These high standards relate to all the pupils in the school including those with SEN.
In collaboration with the SENCO, our Link SEN Governor ensures that:
- They are fully involved in developing and monitoring the schools SEN Information Report.
- All governors are up to date and knowledgeable about the schools SEN provision, including how funding, equipment and personnel resources are deployed.
- SEN provision is an integral part of the school improvement plan.
- The quality of SEN provision is continually monitored.
You can find our current SEN Policy/Information report here
Kent Local Offer
Kent's Local offer ensures that it is easier for people to find out about services available to 0-25 year olds with special educational needs and disabilities The Local Offer is one of the ways in which Kent is delivering the changes introduced by the Children and Families Act, which became law in September 2014.
Click the link below to find out about:
- Arrangements for identifying and assessing children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities.
- How to access services and how decisions are made.
- Sources of support, advice and information
Please check this new version of the Mainstream Core Standards (January 2021)
How do we provide additional support at Hextable Primary?
- English and Maths interventions
- Nessy literacy intervention.
- Fresh Start dyslexia support.
- Reading to dogs.
- Additional adult support in class and differentiated learning.
- Family Liaison Officer to support children and families.
- Nurture groups to build well-being, self-esteem and resilience.
- ‘Safe spaces’ to support children with SEN.
- Speech and language interventions.
- Visual support, including visual timetables/cues.
- Additional support at transitional periods.
- Home-learning Club.
- 1-1 Tuition.
- BEAM/Sensory Circuits
- School funded Educational Psychologist
- Counselling delivered by external providers.
- Liaison with outside agencies - LIFT, Specialist teaching service, Speech and Language Therapy service, OT, Physiotherapy, Community Paediatrics, Early Help.
Frequently Asked Questions for Parents
What should I do if I am concerned about my child’s progress?
- Share your concerns with your child’s teacher.
- If you are still concerned, contact the SENCO/Deputy Headteacher - Mrs Sue Hammond or the Assistant Head: KS1- Mrs Clare Grosse.
If the school were concerned about my child’s progress, how will I be contacted?
- Your child’s class teacher will be continually assessing your child’s progress, if they have any concerns they will speak to you personally or by telephone to discuss any interventions which may be needed to support progress.
- At parents’ consultation meetings, a provision map/plan will be shared with you, showing any additional interventions in place for your child.
How will I know if my child has SEN?
- If your child is still not making progress, a range of assessment and observation tools may be used to understand your child’s needs and to understand what additional resources and approaches are required to help them make better progress.
- At this point, you may have further meetings with your child’s teacher or with the SENCO or a member of the SEN team to discuss your child’s needs.
- Following these conversations, you will be informed by letter that your child is on the SEN or vulnerable register. These registers will be reviewed annually.
- In consultation with you, the SENCO may also request additional support and advice from external agencies
Who can I ask for help and support in the school?
- It is usually best to speak to your child’s teacher, but other members of staff will always be willing to help and support you:
Suzie Hall (Headteacher)-
Sue Hammond (SENCO/Deputy Head) –
Elena Stone (Assistant Head - EYFS)
Clare Grosse (Assistant Head - KS1)-
Tom Purton (Assistant Head - KS2)
Ellie Sutton (Senior Well-Being Lead)
Heather Ward (SEN assistant/Pupil Support Advisor) -
Diane Hammond (Pupil Support Advisor) -
For school admission arrangements for pupils with special needs and disabilities please visit: