Welcome to our Year 5 webpage!

We can’t wait to have you all back and get straight back into all of our exciting learning.  Term 1 is always so thrilling starting a new year group and we are looking forward to a super busy and fun term!

Mrs Chapman, Miss Beebe and Miss Yussuf.

Meet the year five team...

Please do not hesitate to contact your child's class teacher via the email addresses below if you have any questions or worries:

Mother Teresa Class - Mrs Chapman and Miss Vano & Mrs. May


Martin Luther King Class - Miss Yussuf and Miss Ruglys


Darwin Class - Miss Beebe and Mrs. Penny


We are very lucky to also have Mrs Thomas, Mrs. Graham & Miss Hammond working with us in Year 5 too!


  • The class doors will be open from 8.40-8:50am. If your child arrives after this time, please take them to the school office. (School telephone number 01322 663792)
  • The school day ends at 3.20pm. If you are unable to collect your child, please telephone the school office.
  • In year 5, many children begin to walk home from school alone or with friends, we are happy for them to do so (as long as you are!). Please write us a note if you would like this to happen. 
  • In addition, please notify the relevant adults if you have made arrangements for your child to be picked up by somebody else or walk home/to the infants independently.  Please note that we are not always able to pick up Class Dojo messages during the school day.

  • A note on phones- We have decided that even those children walking a short distance do not need a phone. It is safer for children to be concentrating on walking rather than being on their phone. We also feel this will support our online safety policy. If you feel there is an exceptional reason, such as travelling alone on a bus to Swanley then please make an appointment to see Mrs Hall/ Mrs Hammond. 


Please ensure at the beginning of each new term that your child has:

  • Pencils                  
  • Sharpeners                          
  • Ruler                     
  • Handwriting pen   
  • Erasers                 
  • Whiteboard pen                   
  • Glue stick              
  • Purple pen/biro
  • Named water bottle

Home Learning & Spellings

Home Learning will continue to be sent home at the beginning of each half term.  Homework is set on a Thursday and is due in on Tuesday (we will also upload a copy of the home learning tasks onto the class page of the website). It is an expectation that all children complete the tasks set within this time. We will be completing weekly spelling tests following the spellings set on the homework grid.

Children are expected to be reading regularly and we ask them to record it independently in their reading records.  In addition, they need to ensure that they are practising their spellings each week and using TTRockstars to practise their times tables.

 If you have any concerns with home learning, please don’t hesitate to contact your class teacher.



Top Marks maths games 

Purple Mash Computing 

Home Learning for Term 1 coming soon...


Term One

Dates for the diary


In English, this term we will be focusing on the text ‘Floodland’ by Marcus Sedgwick. Floodland is an extraordinary novel, set some time in the not too distant future in a land that has been reclaimed by the sea.


In Maths, we will be focusing on Multiplication and Division, with an emphasis on Fractions. We will begin by learning formal methods for multiplying and dividing and then apply these skills to understand and calculate fractions.

Please see the below links to support your child with these concepts:

Daily 10   

year 5 number and place value word mat.pdf

year 5 addition and subtraction word mat.pdf

 Theme- The Shang Dynasty

This term, we will be starting our exciting topic of ‘The Shang Dynasty’  The children will learn who the Ancient Shang people were, where and when they lived, using maps and atlases to help them. They will also learn about the role of the king, the religious beliefs and rituals of the Shang people and how oracle bones were used in divination ceremonies. The children will also examine a range of Shang artefacts and draw conclusions about what they can teach us. 

Shang Dynasty KS2 | Facts about the Shang Dynasty — PlanBee


Our science topic this term is ‘Forces’ and we are looking forward to conducting lots of practical investigations and experiments to explore our learning. Our learning this term will focus on different types of forces such as gravity, friction, water resistance and air resistance. We will also learn about the use of mechanisms such as levers, gears and pulleys. Furthermore, we learn will identify forces and find out about scientific pioneers, Isaac Newton and Galileo Galilei, and their discoveries about gravity and forces.

BBC Bitesize KS2: Science - What is a force?


Tuesdays and Fridays

Please ensure that children come into school wearing their P.E. kits on these days. Long hair is tied back and all jewellery is removed, including earrings (Please note that only one earring should be worn in each ear which should only be a small stud.)


Year 5 Curriculum Overview 2024-2025

year 5 curriculum overview 24 25.pdf

 Other Supporting Resources

t2 e 2599 statutory spellings year 5 and 6 word mat ver 7.pdf

t2 e 1878 uks2 spag word mat ver 13.pdf

t2 e 3902 year 5 questions for reading bookmark question cards ver 2.pdf

t2 m 5780 multiplication square 12 by 12 blank number square ver 1.pdf


Year 5 Term 1 Photo Gallery!

Coming soon...



 Term 2 Newsletter 

newsletter y5 term 2 complete.pdf